Former Carpentersville Fire Chief John Skillman is challenging incumbent Ed Ritter in the race for village president.
Skillman retired from his post in May after working 29 years for the department. Now the lifelong Carpentersville resident, who also works as a battalion chief in Spring Grove, said he feels he has the time and experience to lead the village board.
If elected to the top seat, Skillman said, he would strive to lessen the property tax burden on residents, investigate new revenue sources and bring economic growth and new businesses to Carpentersville.
“Building positive relationships and opening communications with our residents, students, and the small- and large-business owners is the key to our success,” he said. “I feel I am the right person for this position.”
Ritter, who has served as village president since 2009, is seeking his third term in office. If re-elected to another 4-year term, he said, his goals include improving the village’s housing portfolio and strengthening the local economy.
Both candidates filed their nominating petitions Monday for the April 4 election, Village Manager Mark Rooney said.
“The citizens deserve to look at more than one person, so I think it’s good the village has a choice of people,” said Ritter, who ran unopposed in 2013. “I think I bring a lot of experience, and (the village has) made a lot of progress ... over the last eight years. I just want to see the progress continue.”
Skillman, who has a master’s degree in management and leadership, said his public safety experience gives him a unique perspective. Not only is he knowledgeable about the village’s budgeting process, he said, but he also understands the balancing act of cutting expenditures while maintaining a high level of service.
“I am a positive person and work well with others in problem-solving and (remain) ethical in decision-making situations,” Skillman said. “I have ... a great deal of experience working with people, which will assure that all village residents, businesses and personnel are treated with dignity and respect.”
Trustees Pat Schultz, Kevin Rehberg and Ginger Stephens also submitted paperwork Monday declaring their intention to run for re-election, Rooney said. Monday is the last day a candidate can file.
East Dundee
Village President Lael Miller filed for re-election Monday with no challengers so far, Village Clerk Katherine Holt said.
Trustee Dan Selep is also seeking re-election, and challengers Cindy Comstock and Scott Andresen have declared their candidacy for a seat on the village board.
West Dundee
Trustee Dan Wilbrandt is hoping to once again secure a seat on the village board. He and resident Cheryl Anderley filed their petitions Monday. Village President Christopher Nelson, who is seeking a second 4-year term in office, also submitted paperwork for re-election.
Two incumbents — Ernie Jackson and Mary Kay Wlezen — and newcomer Deb Twenhafel are vying for three village trustee seats in Burlington.