Why Democrats will soon regain control of Congress

During my lifetime, the political party that controlled the presidency changed nine times and other than Roosevelt-Truman and Reagan-Bush, no party controlled the Executive Branch for more than two terms.

A reason for changing the party in the White House seems to be the electorate’s desire for change. Perhaps my paraphrase of Marcel Pagnol’s famous quote about happiness explains why voters want change. They remember the past as better than it was; they consider the present to be worse than it actually is; and they think that change means the future is going to be better than it will be. Thus, I predict that the Democrats will take control of both houses of Congress within two or four years.

What concerns me about President-elect Trump is that I think that the evidence clearly shows that he does not value evidence. Conclusions and solutions to problems need to be based on evidence, reason, rationality and critical thinking. To Trump, climate change is a hoax despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary and despite near unanimous agreement of esteemed scientists in the National Academy of Science. Just as you and me, these scientists, for the sake of our children and grandchildren, wish that human induced climate change were not a reality. The website, Right Wing Watch, lists 58 false conspiracy theories that Trump or his staff are promoting. Some are based on the recent glut of fake news that Trump’s staff didn’t check for authenticity (e.g., protesters are being paid).

Finally, abolishing the Electoral College doesn’t mean that Clinton, and/or Gore, necessarily wins the presidency. The entire dynamics of the campaign would change since there would be no ‘battleground” states and we simply do not know how that would turn out, as candidates would have to campaign in all the states.

David R. Thiessen


How is Trump going to make things better?

I wish someone would tell me how Trump will make things better.

Less immigrants? Wall is too expensive; Eric Trump says no Muslim registry; and Paul Ryan says no deportation squads.

Repeal Obamacare? No other plan yet and if you have pre-existing conditions you could pay more.

More jobs? Only if you are skilled will you see a job in such low unemployment. So how will Trump make his voters happy?

Joy Young

Glen Ellyn