As a new year begins and as Jan. 20 approaches, it is important for us to remember that in America the transfer of power is as much a regular process as it is a hallmark of our democracy. Administrations may come and go, but our national commitment to democracy endures.
The League of Women Voters of Illinois will continue its unwavering commitment to democracy, just as we have for more than a century.
You can count on the League to register voters, fight misinformation and disinformation, hold fair candidate forums, take action through lobbying and advocacy and publish nonpartisan voter guides.
We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate. Now is the time for all of us to be dedicated to democracy. With the new year and a new administration, the League of Women Voters of Illinois encourages everyone to do their part in actively defending democracy.
Becky Simon, President League of Women Voters of Illinois.